
Aylsham Cluster Trust


Tackle Child Abuse – An England wide campaign to help you recognise the signs of child abuse and neglect. Supporting you to report your concerns.

Parent View

We are always eager to find out what you think about our school and for you to share ideas for improving learning.  Please, do come in and tell us.  You can also express your view on Parent View.

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

National Curriculum

To find out more about the National Curriculum please click on this link

thinkuknowbanneremc is an education programme from the National Crime Agency’s CEOP Command.
logo-ChildLine ChildLine is a service which is provided by the NSPCC. The ChildLine website only has content written directly for children and young people.
o2_nspcc_safe Your guide to the social networks your kids use. Stay up to date and keep your child safe in today’s digital world
get-safe-online-logo Get Safe Online is the UK’s leading source of unbiased, factual and easy-to-understand information on online safety.
saferinternet UK Safer Internet Centre, where you can find e-safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe on the internet.
ceop2 The NCA’s CEOP Command (formerly the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. We protect children from harm online and offline, directly through NCA led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies.

Please use this link for more information or anywhere the CEOP button is seen you can make a report.